I had the goal of enhancing the existing Frosted Shredded Wheats box. The existing box displayed a stalk of wheat with a face which stood beside the bowl of cereal. I knew I could push the design further by incorporating the name of the cereal into the imagery. Creating a mind map helped me brainstorm creative ideas for my new mascot. I decided to personify a stalk of wheat by making him a snowboarder and giving him large muscles. The fact that these are FROSTED shredded wheats amplifies the snowboarding idea ever further. Say hello to Shaun Wheat!
Shaun Wheat evolved quite a bit throughout the sketching process. Each time I drew a new variation I sought to add more depth and natural, dynamic movement. The end result allows the mascot to interact with the bowl of cereal on the cover of the cereal box in a meaningful way. Don't mind the sketches in the college-ruled notebook.
This cereal box redesign was on display at the Senior BFA Exhibition.
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